Friday, April 23, 2010

A Remnant of 144,000

After the rapture of the church there will be seven years of Tribulation where God deals with his people Israel and their rejection of the Messiah. After I read Revelation 7 and 14 I became amazed on how God graciously choose 144,000 Jewish people, a remnant to be saved and to preach throughout the Tribulation period. These 144,000 people went around for 3 ½ years spreading the gospel to Jew and gentile alike. They remind me of 144,000 Billy Grahams running around saving people for the kingdom of God. Why God chose this remnant I am not sure. But I do know that his chosen earthly people are still His chosen earthly people. God did not give up on them. He still loves them and wants them to believe in Him.

Today in Israel there is so much unbelief that the savior ever came. The Jewish people in the Old Testament were looking for a king, one who would reign and rule for eternity. They weren’t looking for a man to be crucified but for a ruler and a God to save them from the Roman Empire. This didn’t happen and the Jewish people didn’t believe that the Christ among them was their savior. A few did, like his apostles but most even in His hometown didn’t believe in Him.

The Israelites today are still waiting for their savior. Most are still under the law and the law stated in the New Testament doesn’t save. Grace saves through faith. But the Jewish people don’t believe or even have the New Testament. If you go to Israel today you will still see Jews at the Wailing Wall praying for their Messiah to come and save them.

The truth is, is that God is gracious and He loves his people. He hasn’t given up on them and that is why I think he chose 144,000 Jews in the Tribulation period to be the ones who became saved and started spreading the gospel. Throughout the whole bible I see God dealing with Israel. He gives them instructions to follow. They don’t follow them. He gives them warnings, they disobey and God disperses them throughout the nations only to become slaves. Israel cries out to their Lord and the Lord has compassion on them and helps them with their afflictions. It’s funny how people are, not just the Jewish people, but all of us. We all want to be obedient to God but when we find ourselves in a mess, we cry out to God and God with His tender mercies comes through and saves us. Not without disciplining us though. He wants us to grow and learn His ways so when we get to heaven, we will be fit for heaven.

This is what God has chosen to do with the 144,000 Jewish people. He is fitting them for heaven. He has given them a way out. He has opened their eyes and hearts to see the truth and from there it’s all about spreading the good news of the gospel to others so they might be saved.

Hell is a hellish place. Not that I know, but I’ve read many books on Hell and it scares the daylight out of me. No one should go to hell but I know that the greatest sin of all is to reject Jesus Christ. And when someone rejects Him it’s his own fault and he has no excuse. He’s heard the gospel but to him it is foolishness. I remember when I was like that. It was foolishness to me because I didn’t understand it. But now that I do, it is the food for my soul.
I thank God that he didn’t give up on His chosen earthly people because that tells me that He will never give up on me because He is faithful. The 144,000 will ultimately send many to Christ and that is Christ’s plan. To save the souls who are lost and were left behind.

If you are intersted in the great tribulation and the 144,000 Jewish people chosen to spread the gospel in these times, please visit my website at

Thank you and God Bless...

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